Hydrotherapy means ‘water healing/therapy’ in Greek, which has been used as far back as 2400BC.

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Why can hydrotherapy be beneficial?

Buoyancy – to reduce weight bearing through limbs and alleviate pressure on joints which allows dogs to move more freely on land because movement is easier.

Resistance – is greater in water so this creates a cushioning affect on the joints.  This will help build up more muscle mass and strength.

Hydro static pressure – this is pressure exerted through body that will help lymphatic drainage, blood flow and reduce swelling and inflammation.

Therapeutic heat – water is heated between 28-32 degrees, this increases blood flow and relaxes muscle spasms helping the muscles relax.

The underwater treadmill can help re-align the gait pattern by stabilising the dog.

It decreases pressure from the joints and in turn reduces inflammation, it increases blood circulation and cardio fitness, improves stamina and strength and provides mental stimulation.

Hydrotherapy how can it help with Arthritis?

Arthritis can be a painful condition but your dog may only show subtle signs to begin with.

Signs to look out for:

  • Stiffness
  • Exercise intolerance
  • Intermittent lameness
  • More stretching than normal
  • Several attempts to sit or lie down and get comfortable
  • No jumping on sofa/bed
  • Unwillingness to go up/down stairs
  • General fidgeting/unsettledness

Ageing is inevitable and we may all face aspects of this but hydrotherapy can help your dog feel more at ease and manage these symptoms.

Over my 15 years of being a hydrotherapist I have seen many dogs ‘with a new lease of life’ after having hydrotherapy.  Many owners report that they’ve suddenly seen them do an activity they started to struggle with previously, for instance jumping back on the sofa/bed.

Hydrotherapy as part of a multi model approach (pain relief/massage/physio/acupuncture and supplements) can help manage symptoms and reduce pain.

Keeping your dogs weight down is so important in managing symptoms and relieving pressure over joints.  Excess pressure on already painful arthritic joints can make them struggle more.  Ask your vet if you are concerned with your dogs weight, many practices run nurse clinics in order to assist you with a weight loss plan for your pet.

Even after 15 years of hydrotherapy it still amazes me the positive impact hydrotherapy has on the patients I see.

Blog written by Louise Collins, hydrotherapist.